Are you someone who has experienced stress, anxiety and panic at any point in life?

The plain answer for most if not all adults is a ‘yes‘.

We are exposed to so much noise and trouble on day to day life, sometimes we just can not ‘not panic’! But to every problem, there is also a solution.

The solution to panic attack is to gather more knowledge and awareness. To know what it is, its causes, symptoms and most importantly to know how to manage and deal with it.

‘Knowledge is Power!’

panic, panic attack, e book, free book, book cover
E Book Cover

Keeping in mind all the above, I have put together a mini sized eBook on this topic, with authentic information on panic attack and time tested ways to deal with it.

I wrote a post on panic attack few months back. I got the idea for the post while I was dealing with the same issue myself.

This post was chosen by the positive outlook blog as a guest post and it was shared little over 6 thousand times on social media.

That made me realize, how people like you and me need and want to know about panic attack. It was this need and want that inspired me to put together a simple and ‘ready to help’ E book about panic attack.

I highly suggest that you get this book for yourself or for someone you think might benefit from it. And I don’t mind if you share the file with friends and family through email or other medium.

You can download this E book for free. No obligations and no questions asked. You don’t have to pay any price because I want more and more people to get hold of it, to read and to benefit from it.

But if you have the money and are willing to pay, then you can pay as you like! Whatever little money I make will help me bring more such useful content for you, which takes a lot of time and effort on my part.

To be honest, I could use a little help!

I’ll be forever grateful for your contribution and even a small amount will be of big significance.

Pay any amount: 

To pay any amount of your choice, click on the ‘donate‘ button below. You can pay through your PayPal account or by using debit/ credit card. Once you make your contribution, you’ll be redirected to the link for the E Book.

Download for Free: 

If you wish to access the E Book for free, simply click on the button to download the ebook:

Panic Attack E Book

I hope this will be helpful to you, if you have any doubts or queries feel free to contact me or simply leave a comment below.

Thank you


18 thoughts on “What is Panic Attack & how to deal with it? [ Free E Book ]

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        Liked by 1 person

  1. Hey Binita!

    Nice article. And thanks for sharing! Because I haven’t met a person yet who has openly accepted to me that they have panic attacks. And the reason I wanted to meet such a person is that I think I have panic attacks too. At least I think so.

    I feel my heart throbbing and few seconds of blackout whenever I do something I am not prepared to do. Like someone unexpected asks me why I am late? And I am like I don’t have to answer you! But I had not expected myself to be in this situation.
    I am absolutely normal when I know I have a meeting planned.

    Is this also a panic attack? or anxiety attack?

    I read a lot of articles on both panic attacks and anxiety attacks. And I see that trying to understand myself and investigating the causes of attack and knowing when I actually get them will help me to prepare for them.

    Thanks again. Feels good to talk about it to someone 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Dhanashree for sharing your thoughts.
      I’m glad that you liked reading the article. There is no shame in sharing about anxiety & panic attack or any mental illness for that matter. Our minds are bombarded with thoughts & emotions of so many kinds every single minute of the day. Feeling anxious and panicky is very common & probably natural.
      We all have our experience with anxiety whether minor ( like what you have experienced) or major.
      What we can do to feel better? I would say, anything that makes you feel better. Try to relax as much as you can. Do the activities that you enjoy regularly. And don’t overthink over everything.
      I have a free e book where you can find more information on this topic. The link is in this article only. You might find that of some use.
      Hope you have a great day ❤︎

      Liked by 1 person

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