“Like many other people, you’ve decided to make New Year’s resolutions because you know there are things you’re unhappy with in your life.”
-Thibaut Meurisse

We have all got things we truly want to do & things we really need not to do! But we just can’t seem to find enough motivation to get us started.

One great way to find the motivation to begin doing something is keeping New Year’s Resolutions at the start of a new year. You feel pumped up about beginning something good with the fresh start of the new year.

I must confess to you that for a long time I thought New Year’s Resolutions are lame & overrated. But I gave this concept a second thought & I think resolutions aren’t all that bad.

I’ve definitely changed my old beliefs about keeping resolutions. Keeping resolutions is cool because anything you try to better yourself in life has to be cool!

I’m going to try & keep 3 New Year’s Resolutions this year. I might fail to follow them all through the year, but I won’t let that fear of failing stop me from trying.

I’ve planned 3 resolutions for the year 2020 with the purpose of achieving the lofty goal of self development. Why self development? Because I believe in such things as having lofty goals and big dreams.

Here are the top 3 New Year’s Resolutions to keep & follow in 2020 –

#1 Live More Consciously

live consciously

Almost all of us are not choosing to live our lives consciously. What this means is we are running on an autopilot system. We’re letting our brains think & decide for us, which is not at all ideal for a balanced life.

To be conscious means to be present in the moment. It means being completely mindful of all movements going on around you, inside & out.

You’ll have to practice to be able to become more conscious of yourself, your surroundings & most importantly your thoughts. When you’re conscious, you don’t act or react to situations or impulses without thinking. You get an understanding & a deep perspective about situations, problems & their solutions.

How to live more consciously?

  • You can be more conscious simply by thinking about being conscious. Stop for a moment & try to observe your own mind & the thoughts in your mind.
  • Try breathing exercises. Be mindful & observe your breath with each inhale & exhale.
  • Practice self awareness. Observe yourself as you sit, stand, walk & do daily activities.

#2 Practice Self Love

self love, new year's resolution

Self love teaches us to put ourselves first before anyone or anything else. So, is self love selfish? No, not at all! Self love is anything but selfish.

Self love is the one thing that will make anyone more kind & compassionate. When we practice self love, it makes it possible for us to practice self acceptance.

With self love you begin to see yourself in a new light. Instead of being overly critical of every little flaw of yours, you give yourself praise for all your awesomeness. Your self confidence & self esteem rise high when you know your own worth & you’ve got self love.

How to practice self love?

  • Be mindful of negative self talk. We all do it but we really shouldn’t.
  • Praise yourself. Remind yourself each day how beautiful/ handsome you (really) are! Keeping our vanities aside, tell yourself that you’re kind, brave, creative, smart, hardworking and a resilient person.
  • Don’t let other people’s negative or critical opinions affect you. They don’t know you, even if they do think about whether these opinions are only judgmental or are they reliable?

#3 Give Life Meaning & Purpose

find meaning & purpose in life, new year's resolution

To find meaning in life is the ultimate purpose of life. You can’t live a happy & fulfilling life if you don’t have meaning & purpose for it, it being your life!

To find your true meaning & purpose you’ll have to dig deep into your own mind & soul. It’s no easy task, trust me! Have I done it? No, I don’t think so! I’m trying, I think so far I can say I’ve found a few hints.

You can find meaning & purpose in your life through the work you do or things you create or messages you share with people. What’s important here is your good intention behind your words or deeds.

How to give life meaning & purpose?

  • Practising the first two New Year’s Resolutions will help you in finding meaning & purpose in your life.
  • Think about your strengths or the compliments people often give you. How are you able to make a difference in other people’s lives?
  • Think about those things that are closest to your heart. What makes your heart race? As Paulo Coelho said in the Alchemist, “Because, wherever your heart is, that is where you’ll find your treasure!”


The word ‘resolution’ means a firm decision to do or not to do something. If you are someone who values growing in life & improving yourself in life, then you probably already understand the importance of mindfully deciding to do or not to do certain things. And New Year’s resolutions are without a doubt a great way to achieve that.

I really wanted to share these 3 New Year’s Resolutions with you, just in case they help & inspire you in some way.

Keeping a resolution is good, following the resolution till it turns into almost a habit is even better. But whether you continue to follow your resolution or not, doesn’t matter. What matters is having the courage to decide to start.

Start the new year with at least one resolution. No harm will be done, it will only bring something positive in your life.

💬 Are you keeping resolutions for the new year? What are your resolutions? Please do share, I might add one or two more resolutions to my list.

Thank you so much for reading & wish you a very Happy New Year 🍾🥂

🔖 Are you on Social Media? I’m active on Twitter & Instagram, let’s get connected-

🐦 Twitter: @EducatedUnemplo

🦋 Instagram: @binitabora999

26 thoughts on “Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions to keep & follow in 2020

  1. You just gave me some inspiration to add to my list!
    I wanted to lead a healthier lifestyle and work hard to get closer to my dreams.
    I also wanted to focus on personality development but didn’t know how to. You gave me the hint.
    Wish you a happy new year ahead 🙃

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you so much for keeping it real and relevant. My resolution since 2013 is to be on purpose for God. The three areas you have highlighted has been my prayer and determination. I realized more than ever than I cannot be on purpose without the goals you have mentioned. Self awareness is the key.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. To really succeed at “resolutions” they need to be specifically behavioural or contain/be underpinned by behaviours. For example “I will meditate at 2.30 pm each day for one hour”, “I will walk mindfully in the woods for an hour each morning” are two of my current behaviours related to my becoming more mindful as a goal. The more our goals are specifically broken down like this the better chance we have of attaining the goal or knowing if we are off track. 🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your thought. That’s such a valuable insight, I agree with you that the more specific the plan of action is, more achievable our goals will be. I’ll keep your suggestion in mind. Thanks again, really appreciate it. Best wishes 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I suppose most people believe they need to start a new life on January 1st, however, any day is good for new start-ups, isn’t it?
    I belong to people, who really dislike lists, and I never make any. Thankfully, memory is as great as it was when I was young. I never make any resolutions, too. I think if we want something, we just go for it, and vice versa: if we know something is totally disturbing, we strengthen our willpower and stay firm when it feels it’s too tough.
    I am past 60 and I have seen how any plans can go down the drain easily, the same with the best intentions.
    Nevertheless, one should pay attention to points you’ve outlined because they are certainly basics to approaching one’s life.
    I have written a lot about self-love and overcoming troubles and staying on focus, too.
    In reality, it is so that there is no point breaking the wall with our forehead. There usually comes time when things we have struggled with either go away, or we manage to accomplish whatever seemed so complex before.
    Many people will never find the real meaning or purpose of their life because the ideas we have at a young age and sometimes even by 50, get dissolved frequently. Could we blame just the reality of daily routines? We could. Financial struggles add a lot of tension, and it’s not that most of us will ever experience being that wealthy that money doesn’t matter and we can afford everything.
    Theoretically, we can have it all and live happily ever after, but the statistics paint a different picture.
    I’d love to end on a more positive note, and, certainly, our life is in our hands and we have the power to shape it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with you that any day should be & is good to begin new start-up & that indeed our life is in our own hands, we might not have power over our circumstances most of the time but we sure can choose our thoughts & reactions over those circumstances. There lies our real strength & power. I must admit its not at all easy but we’ve got to try.
      I admire your great memory & it’s really great that you don’t need to make any lists. I personally can’t get anything done without a to do list. I also really enjoy ticking those little boxes at the end of accomplishing a thing. It works like a reinforcement for me.
      Thank you so much for sharing your most wise thought with me. I truly appreciate it ❤︎


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